Feeling Unmotivated Or Overwhelmed? Here Are Books That Will Elevate Your Mind To Engage In New Perspectives!



I am a firm believer that "Reading expands the mind." To grow, you have to expand. Right? Here are four books that helped expand my mindset and change my life! They will do the same for you! No exaggeration! 

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  1. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

"Whatever happens around you, don't take it personally... Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves."

Whew! Where do I even start with this book! To sum it up, The Four Agreements taught me that I control my thoughts and emotions. I am in control of how I choose to feel. I was so sensitive to the opinions of others, but The Four Agreements allowed me to heal and not take things so personally, knowing that the perspectives of others were not mine, so there isn't a need to take them personally. The most important thing I learned from this book is that no one is to blame for our upbringing. Often, we blame our parents, but they honestly didn't know because their parents didn't know! We are all learning as we grow and forgiving ourselves for the things we did not know! If you currently feel like life is happening TO YOU, pick up The Four Agreements and thank me later. 

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2. The Blossoming Woman by Bryann Andrea

"The process of self-healing is a privilege. Self-healing is not a superpower. Self-healing is a genuine process of the relationship between the body and the soul."

THIS BOOK! One of my absolute favorites! I pick this book up every day and flip to a random page to read a quote and start my day! Every woman should read The Blossoming Woman. This book is just that, a woman blossoming unapologetically! Bryann shares how we all have daily struggles we face, but will we sit in those struggles, or will we rise and grow from them? Each chapter touches on many of the internal struggles women deal with daily that we often don't discuss; Bryann does! She shares her thoughts and experiences while also giving you solutions and a different perspective! I used to move through life looking for validation and trying to meet the standards of others, not honoring my true self! This book taught me to be my authentic self without any limitations or judgment! To move through life looking for validation within! To be patient with ME and tap into my power within to blossom into the woman I want to be! To know that this book was a personal journal to provide Bryann with motivation and affirmations during some traumatic times in her life makes this book much more personable! Again, every woman should read this book if you are ready to blossom into the woman you know you ARE! It's a staple! You heard it here first! 

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3. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

"Busy your mind with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and good will, and wonders will happen in your life."

I should start receiving a check every time I recommend this book to someone, and they tell me how it's changed their life! Haha! GAME CHANGER! This book allows you to tap into your power and eliminate limiting beliefs you've learned during your life's journey. It explains several ways to rewire your subconscious mind to live the life you deserve. A life of peace and abundance! Reading this book taught me that the sky is not the limit; we can go beyond the sky! When you read this book, you will understand that our mind is the most powerful thing we have! Tapping into your subconscious mind is tapping into a life you've never imagined living (see what I did there :))! It's the secret to achieving whatever you want to manifest in your life. Law of Attraction! I'm telling you, it's life-changing! I'm a walking testimony! 

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4. Badass Habits by Jen Sincero

"Our thoughts become our words, our words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our habits, and our habits become our realities." 

The title of this book grabbed my attention because I did not have badass habits before reading this book. My habits were just bad. After reading this book, it's safe to say we can now add the "ass" after bad! *takes a bow* This book has helped me improve my business and life habits quickly! It includes actionable steps to build new habits and healthy boundaries into your routine and stick to them. This book calls you OUT! I was able to remove habits that were no longer serving me any good with no excuses. Permanently! You will learn discipline and clear any blocks that keep you from reaching your highest potential! If you want to level up and release those habits that aren't doing you any good, read this book! Remember, our habits make us who we are! My habits are Badass, and so I am! :))


What books have you read that changed your life? Let me know! Sharing is caring!

Cheers to elevation!

-xo, Ariel


Chapter 33


Knocking On 30