Chapter 33

As I sit here trying to come up with a catchy opening… all I can think and say is THANK YOU, Jesus! He's been so good to me, and I'd be a fool not to praise Him and share his glory going into my 33rd year!! Reflecting over the last few years, it's been a constant battle to let go of the old me and old habits. Every year, you feel like NeW yEaR nEw mE, but no, new year, new me, for real. Nowadays, it's a new WEEK, NEW ME!

I can feel myself stepping into womanhood, and it's low-key scary! But I embrace the changes that come with age. My boundaries are no longer compromisable, and I'm used to being Mrs. Compromise. Oh, lately, I've been standing by what I say. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. Now I see why my grannies say whatever they want! LOL! There is a sense of peace when you are firm in what you say. So we are standing firm!

I'm not gonna lie; it feels like I'm turning 30 again. These last three years flew by! But the funny thing about turning 33 is that I actually feel like a real adult. It could be because, in the previous years, I've been winging it! I can say that God has blessed me with so much this past year. I have a support system that is beyond supportive, a fantastic church home, and good friends who love God! What more can I ask for?

It's the confidence that comes with age. I'm not mad at it! I feel Beyoncé when she said, "cozy with who I am," truly. I am comfortable in my skin, embracing every imperfection and flaw! Who cares?

Here are some things I've learned going into this new year of life!

  • Failed relationships and friendships don't mean beef! Some people are seasonal and serve their purpose. It's life.

  • Ask for help. You can't do it all!!!!!!!!! Accept the help!

  • Ladies, skincare! Please get a moisturizer and an eye cream!

  • Things change, people change, YOU change. Welcome change!

  • Be slow to speak and eager to listen. Listen! You learn a lot!

  • Be open to new friends. You haven't even met all the people who will impact your life yet.

  • DO THE THING! Literally, do it! It's not too late. It's never too late!

  • SLOOOOWWW DOWN! What's the rush? You are right where you're supposed to be!

Last but certainly not least...PRAY!!!!!!!!!! Develop a relationship with God! This has changed my life beyond words! God is SO GOOD! Pastor said, "I'm on display. Just so I can show y'all how good God is. My life is God's stage." Let’s watch him perform! Happy 33rd birthday to me!

Stay true, and be you!


Ariel Deneen

Happy 33rd birthday Ariel!


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